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AAPA: Format-Specific Guidelines for Designating AAPA Category 1 CME Credit
When awarding American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA) Category 1 CME credit, jointly accredited organizations must comply with the requirements established by AAPA. Please see the following Format-Specific Guidelines document for instructions on awarding AAPA Category 1 CME credit.
ACPE: Guidance to Award ACPE Credit
When awarding continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credit, jointly accredited organizations must utilize the online submission of activity and participant information via CPE Monitor™. For instructions on awarding ACPE credit, please refer to Guidance for Jointly Accredited Providers to Award ACPE Credit document on the Joint Accreditation website.
ACPE: ACPE vs. IPCE Credit
ACPE and IPCE credits are automatically transmitted to CPE Monitor by the CE provider. IPCE activities that are transmitted to CPE Monitor are activities where pharmacists and/or pharmacy technicians are considered part of the targeted interprofessional health care team audience.