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Provider Directory

These organizations are jointly accredited to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.
Please note – the Activity totals reflected in the listing are the total CE activities submitted by the provider in the previous reporting year.

Show providers accredited with commendation only
Showing 1 - 8 of 183 results

AcademicCME, LLCOpens a new window

531 E. Lancaster Ave Wayne, PA 19087, US
63 Activities
Activity Formats: Enduring MaterialJournal-based CELive CourseOther/Blended LearningRegularly Scheduled Series
Professions Accredited: MedicineNursingPAPharmacyPsychology
Contact: Emma Boring | (610) 687-3300

Advocate HealthOpens a new window

1020 N. 12th Street, OHC Suite 3130 Milwaukee, WI 53233, US
515 Activities
Activity Formats: Enduring MaterialJournal-based CELearning from TeachingLive CourseManuscript ReviewOther/Blended LearningPerformance/Quality ImprovementRegularly Scheduled Series
Professions Accredited: MedicineNursingPharmacySocial work
Contact: Kristin Ouweneel | (414) 219-5490

AK Department of Health and Social ServicesOpens a new window

3601 C Street, Suite 540 Anchorage, AK 99503-5932, US
20 Activities
Activity Formats: Enduring MaterialInternet Searching and LearningLearning from TeachingLive CourseOther/Blended LearningPerformance/Quality ImprovementRegularly Scheduled Series
Professions Accredited: DentistryDieteticsMedicineNursingOptometryPAPharmacyPsychologySocial work
Contact: Louisa Castrodale | (907) 269-8002

AKH Inc., Advancing Knowledge in HealthcareOpens a new window

PO Box 24104 Jacksonville, FL 32241, US
7179 Activities
Activity Formats: Committee LearningEnduring MaterialJournal-based CELearning from TeachingLive CourseManuscript ReviewOther/Blended LearningRegularly Scheduled Series
Professions Accredited: Athletic trainingDentistryDieteticsMedicineNursingOptometryPAPharmacyPsychologySocial work
Contact: Patricia Brignoni | (904) 683-8843

Alaska Native Medical CenterOpens a new window

ATTN: Jennifer Fielder, Clinical Education 4115 Ambassador Dr. EDC/3rd floor Anchorage, AK 99508, US
172 Activities
Activity Formats: Enduring MaterialLearning from TeachingLive CourseOther/Blended LearningPerformance/Quality ImprovementRegularly Scheduled Series
Professions Accredited: MedicineNursingPharmacy
Contact: Jennifer Fielder | (907) 229-1185
543 Activities
Activity Formats: Enduring MaterialLive CourseOther/Blended LearningRegularly Scheduled Series
Professions Accredited: Athletic trainingDentistryDieteticsMedicineNursingOptometryPAPharmacyPsychologySocial work
Contact: Stacy Atkinson | (718) 920-6674

Amedco, LLC.Opens a new window

90 West County Road C Suite 300 Little Canada, MN 55117, US
2913 Activities
Activity Formats: Enduring MaterialJournal-based CELive CourseManuscript ReviewOther/Blended Learning
Professions Accredited: Athletic trainingDentistryDieteticsMedicineNursingPAPharmacyPsychologySocial work
Contact: Scott McGee-Plys | (651) 487-3001

American Academy of Addiction PsychiatryOpens a new window

400 Massasoit Ave, Suite 370 East Providence, RI 02914, US
415 Activities
Activity Formats: Committee LearningEnduring MaterialJournal-based CELearning from TeachingLive CourseManuscript ReviewOther/Blended LearningPerformance/Quality ImprovementRegularly Scheduled SeriesTest-Item Writing
Professions Accredited: DentistryDieteticsMedicineNursingOptometryPAPharmacyPsychologySocial work
Contact: Beth Welch | (847) 224-3859