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National and international health leadership organizations have identified interprofessional education and team-based care as a critical component of healthcare improvement.
There is a growing body of evidence demonstrating that participation in interprofessional continuing education (IPCE) improves healthcare professionals’ performance outcomes.
An interprofessional activity is a CE activity that
Joint Accredited providers are able to choose from 11 different types of health profession CE credit to offer and award.
CME Credit (AMA PRA Category 1 Credit)
CPE (ACPE) Credit
CNE (ANCC) Credit
AAPA Category 1 CME Credit
APA Credit
COPE Credit
ASWB Credit
BOC CEU Credit
Jointly accredited providers may include the following credit mark and statement with their interprofessional continuing education activities in addition to the Joint Accreditation statement. The interprofessional continuing education (IPCE) credit designation will appear on activities that have been planned by and for the healthcare team, i.e. team-based continuing education.
For activities that are focused on a single profession, for example, medicine, nursing, or pharmacy, jointly accredited providers will designate the appropriate credit in the activities description.
Use of the IPCE credit by the provider is optional but will serve to highlight to you as the learner that the activity has been planned by and for the healthcare team. The IPCE credit mark and statement of credits will be included on certificates of participation or other meeting material as determined by the jointly accredited provider.
Explore our comprehensive provider directory of institutions jointly accredited to deliver interprofessional continuing education to health workers in ten different professions.
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