Streamline Accreditation Process Simplify accreditation (and reaccreditation) with a unified process that reduces the time and resources your team spends accrediting your continuing education programs.
Promote IPCE Opportunities Create continuing education activities that permeate all aspects of your institution, building an interprofessional collaborative practice for all health professionals.
Improve Patient Outcomes Grow a collaborative practice proven to improve patient outcomes such as reducing preventable adverse drug reactions and decreasing morbidity and mortality rates.
Mission & Program Improvement Map out your continuing education mission and gain a guide that provisions education, assesses how well you’re meeting the mission, and identifies changes or improvement opportunities.
Activity Planning & Evaluation Develop and deliver IPCE activities or single profession activities that incorporate the educational needs of professionals, promote mission-driven change, deliver active learning activities — and more.
Integrity & Independence Ensure learners trust accredited CE to help them deliver safe, effective, affordable, and compassionate care, and that CE serves the needs of patients and the public while presenting learners with only scientifically justified recommendations.